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Spirit Talk is a free lecture series that aims to deliver informative and educational short-talks on different aspects of mediumship and the spiritual arts. 


Spirit Talk was founded in 2016 as a vehicle to touch as many people as possible with the philosophy and teachings of the spirit, and for this reason Spirit Talk will always remain a free lecture series so that there is no obstacles for people to receive the talks. 

W H A T  I S  S P I R I T  T A L K ?




Each talk is 60 minutes in length, and is recorded. By becoming a member of this site you will gain access to the free recordings, which will be made available for 12 months so that you can refer to them regularly and use them to aid your own mediumistic development. 





W H O  D E L I V E R S  T H E  T A L K S  ?



Spirit Talk was founded by Evidential Medium, Andy Byng, whose greatest passion has always been to publicly demonstrate his mediumship, and to teach others how to develop their own gifts.


Although Andy had been aware of the spirit world from a young age, he did not begin to develop his mediumship until he was eighteen-years-old. Andy completed most of his mediumistic development at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College, where he is now a tutor and course organiser.


Although Andy originally hails from Birmingham (UK), his work as a Evidential Medium takes him across the world, and he currently resides in Toronto, Canada.  Andy’s passion and dedication to the spirit world is clear: he works tirelessly to reunite people with their loved ones, and to teach others how to develop their own mediumship.


Andy has spent six years studying the philosophy and history of mediumship at university. In 2010, Andy began studying at King's College London. He graduated from King's in 2013 with a BA in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics. In 2016, the University of London awarded Andy his Master’s degree, which he passed with distinction. Andy shares this knowledge with his students, as he strives to give them a rounded spiritual education. 


Andy continues to dedicate his life to the art of mediumship, and to spreading the message of the spirit world. 





H O W  D O  I  J O I N  T H E  T A L K S  ?



The easiest way to join Spirit Talk is by becoming a member of this site. In the membership section you will have access to the joining instructions, the recordings and the schedule. 


The talks are delivered via Zoom, and all you need to join the talks is a free zoom account. 


The other way to access Spirit Talk is to register via our registration form, which you can find here.


If you register this way you only need to register once, and you will be sent reminders of each Spirit Talk, and the recording will be sent to you via e-mail. However, the recordings received via e-mail are only available for 7 days from the e-mail being sent. 


The recordings will be sent out, and will be available from this app, within 48 hours from the talk being delivered. 

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